Chess Electric

Engineered solutions for connecting, monitoring, protecting power systems and critical equipment.


Phone: 1-877-400-0106

Instrument Centers

Complex communications and emissions monitoring systems require enclosure solutions built to withstand harsh conditions—and our Instrument Centers are built to meet specific requirements across many industries.

Instrument Centers

Our Instrument Centers are factory fabricated enclosures designed specifically to house monitoring, analyzing, communications and other sensitive electronic equipment, including:

  • CEM Equipment
  • Microwave Systems
  • Monitoring Systems
  • Lighting and Distribution Panels
  • UPS Systems
  • Supervisory Control Systems
  • Annunciator and Alarm Panels
  • Communication Panels
  • Computer Systems

When sophisticated instrumentation equipment is protected in a controlled, sheltered environment, it typically performs more accurately, reliably and requires less frequent maintenance.

Rugged and durable Instrument Centers ensure your sensitive equipment operates in the optimal environment—and provides numerous advantages when compared to site-erected options.  These centers provide a self contained, integrated, electrical package at a low installed cost by limiting field labor. Installation options are numerous as the enclosure’s structural base is designed for mounting on elevated structures or ground level. Removable top lifting lugs provide stability and safely during movement.


  • Pre-engineered Designs – Meet or exceed all nationally recognized electrical and building codes: Nema 3R, 75 PSF floor loads, 85 PSF roof loads, 125 MPH wall/wind loads;engineering time and special drawings minimized.
  • Modular Construction – Standard interior widths, lengths and heights to conform to typical relay panel dimensions; enclosures are movable and configurations expandable; exterior dimensions and modules facilitate trailer transportation.
  • Common Components – Core structural components designed from stock inventory resulting cost savings allow most competitive pricing.
  • Factory Built and Tested – Potential for faster construction time; reduced labor, material and installation costs; mitigates weather and security concerns; reduces trades and equipment coordination/inspection delays; utility wiring, interconnects and accessories tested after assembly; wet spray test performed prior to shipment; continuity and hi-pot testing available.
  • Full Line Accessories – Standard or special air conditioning, heating ventilation, pressurization, insulation; AC panel, interior fluorescent lights, switches, convenience receptacles, outdoor and emergency lights; cable tray, wireway, conduit, busway; UPS, battery, rack, DC charger, annunciator, exterior alarms; fire detection and protection; floor, wall, roof openings and reinforcing; equipment rear access panels, standard or custom doors, battery enclosures and special rooms