Chess Electric

Engineered solutions for connecting, monitoring, protecting power systems and critical equipment.

You are here: Home : Reclosers Print OSM 15 & 25

The OSM Three Phase or Triple Single series are now fully compatible with the popular Schweitzer Engineering SEL-651R advanced recloser control with DNP3 and Modbus protocols over serial and ethernet. With hundreds of installations made in North America over 2013, this lightweight, economic package has proven to be a popular solution for Smart Grid projects.

The OSM features voltage sensors in all six bushings as well as three current sensors. With all the sensing built directly into the dead tank design, the OSM-651R package allows customers the flexibility to install the unit as either a radial or loop scheme device without changing hardware.

You are here: Home : Reclosers Print OSM 15 & 25

  • The OSM series now has over 46,000 worldwide intalls
  • Directional overcurrent protection
  • Directional earth fault protection
  • Directional sensitive earth fault protection
  • Undervoltage protection
  • Cold load pickup
  • Inrush restraint
  • Voltage reclosing control which allows the customer to program loop automation functionality
  • Separate event logs for close open operations & fault protection operations
  • Instantaneous Voltage, Current and Power metering
  • Load profile data
  • DNP3 and Modbus protocols
  • Programmable digital inputs/outputs