Chess Electric

Engineered solutions for connecting, monitoring, protecting power systems and critical equipment.

OSM_Al_1, 2 and 4 Series Reclosers for Substation Use

Tavrida Electric is a world-class manufacturer of vacuum interrupters, magnetic actuators, circuit breaker modules and automatic circuit reclosers. The OSM Series is a field proven, reliable and flexible system that can be used as a switch, circuit breaker, substation breaker, sectionalizer or distribution recloser. With over 37,000 installations worldwide, the OSM Series has demonstrated unrivalled dependability in the most extreme environments.

The OSM Series substation recloser includes either a Tavrida RC_5 or SEL-651R recloser control. This series can also be used with an SEL-351R or SEL-351S control through a Tavrida supplied junction box. The six (6) on-board voltage sensors allow the OSM Series to be installed in either a radial or loop scheme configuration. Radial installations can be quickly changed to a loop scheme configuration by simply reprogramming the control.

OSM_Al_1, 2 and 4 Series Reclosers for Substation Use

  • Three phase or single phase trip
  • 15kV and 25kV systems
  • Up to 800A
  • Six (6) voltage and three (3) current sensors built in (Loop Scheme Ready)
  • Magnetically actuated vacuum interrupters
  • Adjustable substation frame
  • Tested to 30,000 CO operations at full load
  • Maintenance free and light weight
  • 5-year warranty